Some people feel that spending money on employing a professional garden designer is a waste of time and money. They think they know what they need to do and then either do the job themselves or hire a tradesman. And whilst it may be the solution in the short term, it is over the long term that issues can start to appear. Remember gardens are living spaces that need to be carefully designed and planned, otherwise they can turn into undesirable, stressful locations that can consume a lot of money.
What makes a good garden into an amazing garden – something to enjoy throughout the year, the smells, colours, textures etc? It is about knowing how to put all the elements together in a way that is functional, practical and appealing and most important suits your lifestyle. That includes hardscapes (eg rocks, paving etc) and softscapes (eg plants).
A well planned and attractive garden will not only visually enhance your home and extend your living space, it will add value to your property and create enjoyment in the short and long term. Others will see how you have lived the space and relaxed in it after a hard day’s or week’s slog. Conversely, it is my belief that the opposite, a poorly thought out, overgrown and tasteless garden will remain with you whilst you try to make do with a poor garden design. The wrong plants in the wrong environments may detract from your overall property value and to the honest, is a waste of your hard earned money as they will either not flourish or will perish. Don’t make poor investment choices!