Ensure that your instant turf receives plenty of water, the turf should be moist but not wet. Depending on the season your turf may need to be watered daily.
* Do not install your instant turf in shade areas. Consider artificial lawns in those circumstances. There are turf types that are sold as suitable to grow in the shade, however, from experience, they do not take as well as those grown in the sun.
* Do not allow the sides of the turf to dry out. Use sand in between the joins to hold the moisture in better.
* Do not feed instant turf till there are obvious signs of new growth, and even then fertiliser should be used sparingly. For example, there is no point in putting fertiliser in the colder months and re-think the necessity of using lawn starter for the roots when installing when the weather is not conducive to growth.
* There is some evidence that the use of Seasol (non-fertiliser) or similar product is beneficial to reduce transplant shock on installation. Most suppliers recommend using this product a couple of times before the new turf takes. You know that the turf has rooted when the roll does not lift up from the ground.
* Contrary to what some gardeners may tell you, do not use lime to encourage the greening of your new lawn. Lime changes the pH of the soil. Therefore use it only to correct the pH of the soil if required and if that is affecting the growth of your lawn. There may be other causes as to why your lawn is not doing well.
* Do not mow your instant turf till there is signs of new growth, and make sure your first mowing is on a high setting. Mow regularly at a high setting which means a frequent more but the results will look spectacular. A low mow may kill off the turf and allow weeds to set in.
* With regular water your new instant turf will settle in and establish within 6-12 weeks depending on the season. Invest in an appropriate watering system, bearing in mind water restrictions that may apply.
* There is no problem walking on your new turf but avoid heavy traffic.
* Top dressing with organic top soil will make the lines between turf rolls disappear more quickly, this can be done once the turf has established.
If you’ve got questions on lawns or maintenance, feel free to contact us. We develop maintenance programmes for gardens and are more than happy to help you realise the full potential of your garden!
Our passion your garden.


Glen Waverley 2019



Surrey Hills

[…] designs may entail constructing retaining walls, decks, pergolas, paving, lay turf, and lighting. We also plant, install irrigation, style and maintain our clients outdoor spaces […]