July, 2020

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View of front entry stepper path from the street in Burwood landscape design by Parveen Dhaliwa
Setting the scene Last year, I was approached by the family who wanted to create a beautiful garden surrounding their newly built home that they were looking at selling. It was an unusual project for me to take on.  As you well know, my gardens are all about the creating spaces that are custom for the family they live in.  And which they feel connected to on some level. So…
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Kinetic sculpture in landscape design adds to your garden style
Getting a landscaping quote When I first commenced as a designer, it was put to me by a client that I should offer an advisory value-add service by staying on as an independent consultant.  My role is to guide them through the rest of the build process, given that I helped create the vision of their garden.  They needed help in getting and interpreting the landscaping quotes that they were…
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July 2020 - Inspiring Landscape Solutions