Spring is just around the corner! Have you ever considered a vegetable patch in your garden? We love creating gardens for families who appreciate the importance and value of growing your own food!⠀
Here are some practical tips on considering vegetable patches for your design:⠀
Choosing the location and aspect ⠀
Materials to be used in the garden bed, eg softwood v hardwood, the chemicals in wood treatment/leeching and considering recycled materials⠀
Whether to use self-watering troughs/pots⠀
The shape, width v height and structure of your bed – will it be in-ground, raised, vertical or a combination⠀
Whether you require multiple beds eg for rotation⠀
Access to your vegetables⠀

Custom Corten Planter

Custom Non-leaching Hardwood Timber Raised Bed
What you’d like to grow, suitable companion plants, plant rotation⠀
The soil, nutrients and mulching requirements of your vegetables⠀
Drainage, irrigation, moisture retention and waterproofing⠀
Maintenance requirements, considering details such as grass invasion, pest management, chemicals, companion plants, pipe leaks/blockages, fencing off from chooks/pets/etc⠀
Phew! It sounds like a lot, but considering all of these factors when planning your vegetable patch will set you up for a successful and bountiful harvest!
If you’re hungry for more information, click here for other articles on productive/ edible gardening!
Other resources
Bulleen Art & Garden (BAAG), one of my absolute fav nurseries What to Plant each month guide
Vermont South A

Raised garden bed in Hawthorn East Garden Design





We have been awarded with the Houzz Best of Service 2020 award.
If you need further suggestions or design or plantscaping both indoors and outdoors, please contact us for an onsite 90 minute consultation.
Refer to our packages for further detail on how we can help you in the consults and subsequently throughout your garden implementation process.
Do check out our write ups and case studies on productive gardening, and what to do each season, eg autumn.
Our passion your garden! xx