What’s so popular about it?
The Monstera deliciosa plant is a non native that’s getting popular again. And for good reason. It’s simply gorgeous and easy to look after.
I came across one recently on a site inspection. Such a beauty and probably worth a lot with its propagation value and sheer size! It definitely adds to the tropical, lush or jungle feel. Whichever design intent appeals to you!
Growth characteristics
The plants are epiphytic with aerial roots and are able to grow to approx. 20m high if you want a monster in the garden. It’s happy in pot though – indoors or out and if it needs a little propping up, it’s happy to attach itself to a totem pole!
Full sun you say?
However, that said, it is best grown in filtered light for most of the year which means that they are able to take full-sun conditions in winter when the sun is not as strong. Yeah I bet you’ve come across the label that says it can take full sun – please read that with a pinch of salt… You have to research the plant carefully. I had a client put one in a balcony garden which is in full sun and you can guess what happened over summer. 🙁 Finally, despite being hardy things, monsteras don’t like the cold so keep them indoors or in a protected position outdoors.
Edible fruits eh?
It’s any easy guess as to why its also called the Swiss Cheese or Fruit Salad plant. Its leaves are ribbed and have holes in them. Quite a striking feature actually on its own. The fruit is edible and has an interesting shape to it – imagine a corn! It apparently smells like a combination of pineapples and bananas on ripening.
Yeah and the maintenance is?
As with all plants kept indoors, there some maintenance involved – ensure that they have adequate water and do invest the time wiping the dust of its large leaves to help them photosynthesise more efficiently! Check also for pests e.g. mealybugs. They also like the occasional misting if you’re up to it!
There are many varieties on sale (ref pictures below) and they often get confused with Tree Philodendrons – simply look at the leaf pattern and it’ll tell you which is which!
If you need further suggestions or plantscaping both indoors and outdoors, please contact us for an onsite 90 minute consultation. We charge $220.00 for the visit and can subsequently quote on implementing the entire transformation for you within your budget.
Here’s some useful resources for you to look into!
Do also check out our articles on other topics such as bromeliads and artificial plants.
Our passion, your garden!

